
2007 年 3 月 15 日

This is a in-class composition written in 2007:

Love, is the most complex emotion of us human beings. There is not a clear and absolute definition of love. There are many kinds of love, love between relatives, love between lovers, and social love.

Actually, different people have different ideas about love. For the street cleaners couple, love is sometimes pale and the tiny feeling hides deep in their heart; but for the up class aristocrats, love is a game, a romance of luxury. According to my comprehension, Love is the mixture of many features, but cannot exists without the following aspects:

Love is a mutual feeling. There used to be a famous question:”Who will you choose? The person you love or the person loves you?” When I was asked, I made my decision:”Neither”. Being a mutual matter, love is like a scale. It needs 2 true hearts to prevent it from sloping.

Love is a torment. Why should I say that? For both kinds of love, few people can keep a feeling at all time. We can often see a love struck couple quarrelling for a little bit matter, and the altercation between parents and children is commonplace. This torture may cause a short-time affrication and worry, but it will bring a greater feeling of love later, letting people realize the precious of love.

Love needs distance. As a famous saying “Distance creates beauty”. Loves have their own social circles; even children have their private space which cannot be invaded by parents. If you get too close, someone may be annoyed.

Love is the most beautiful and admire-worthy emotion of us.

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