Time Flies, and a Unknown Zone

2007 年 2 月 25 日


  坐在车中,穿梭过繁华的市街,心里平静如水,没有兴奋,没有愁思。   进入学校,见到了熟悉的同学,礼貌地打招呼。清理完东西,安顿好后,开着网络还是坏的电脑,胡乱地拿鼠标乱点乱划。身体其实不累,却只想瘫坐在椅子上,一动不动。一种空虚感涌上心头。是对转瞬即逝的寒假的怨气,是对不能常回的家乡的怀念,是对亲人的牵挂,是对新学期的未知。我就坐在这,没有快乐的事让我兴奋,也没有忧伤的事让我难过。   实话实说, 寒假一眨眼功夫……   I miss the style of life very much… I wanna turn the time back, though I may find something enjoyable later in Hangzhou. Still, I sit in front of the notebook, writing a lot of meaningless sentences. Maybe it's a way of opening one's heart, maybe afterwards, I'll feel less displeased till I throw my words out.     明天开始上课,对我来说,全新的阶段一定要由我亲手开启。   等会就要去食堂吃饭了,想念妈妈做的香喷喷的饭菜。呵呵,火车上妈妈给我带菜的饭盒还没洗呢。   But, how could this happen, I'm looking forward to the coming Vocation of Labor Day as well as the summer holiday… It's a little bit futile indeed, so, try not to be

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