有感 Blogcn 的言论屏蔽

2007 年 1 月 23 日

以下黄色的文字是我欲在 Sizzler 的 Reflection 上发表的评论:

[color=Yellow]“How to say To put it bluntly 当我刚看到这篇文章,心理是有点不舒服的 觉得这样有点…… Actually it's hard for me to pick a proper word to describe it To be frank, a MUCH MORE severe word flashed through my mind "Ungratefulness" Sorry for my INCONGRUITY.

There is no denying that I'm a little traditional towards family and hometown. You are far away from home indeed But I just cannot figure out that your enthusiasm, your love, your fevernt feelings about home could fade out so quickly

Sometimes the words just blurt out involves both you and me If you dislike it just regard it as a geeky nuisance.

Maybe time is really the most powerful who is changing everything no matter the process is gradual or swift

Anyway, I suggest that you can go out to find goodliness around yourself as well as the home city, and wish you the happiest day in the rest of the winter vocation!”[/color]

有什么异样吗?可就在我准备发送的时候,Blogcn 提示说我的言论中有系统屏蔽词汇,无法发表。 试问 Blogcn,我对我朋友的一段真诚告白,哪里涉及到了政治,哪里有色情,哪里有脏痞话。我耗了半个小时逐个排查有可能的单词,没有找到。如果 Blogcn 想做的光明正大,为何不提供一张敏感词汇列表? 可悲啊,中国著名的 Blog 服务提供商,却违背 Blog 开放自由的宗旨。更加让我哭笑不得的是,我不敢说它限制了我的言论自由,因为现在我还在中国。Bloger 们,开博到 Opera, MSN Space 上去吧,趁其还未被封锁时。 这让我庆幸自己的独立空间网站,不必忍受寄人篱下的束缚。

P.S 这也顺便让我跟 Sizzler 留言吧.

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